Mary Hayashi
Communication Services | Event Planning | Social Media |
Photography and Videography | Website Design

The Client

Mary Hayashi, an acclaimed author and healthcare leader, partnered with Lee Andrews Group for the strategic launch of her book, "Women in Politics." The book interweaves Mary's experiences as an Asian American immigrant and former California State Assemblymember with inspirational tales of women in political leadership. Aimed at securing a top spot on best-seller lists and resonating deeply with audiences, the launch was meticulously planned to spotlight the book's significant narratives and Mary's impactful journey.

The Challenge

The task was to transform the book launch into a cultural milestone that would not only introduce the book but also celebrate the influential role of women in politics. This demanded a multifaceted strategy that engaged diverse audiences, harnessed the power of influential personalities, and initiated profound discussions around the book's themes. The goal was to elevate the book beyond a simple launch, creating a pervasive impact that highlighted its release and the powerful stories it told.

The Strategy

Lee Andrews Group implemented a comprehensive marketing strategy to ensure the book's success. This involved creating viral content, like engaging videos on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, and leveraging a targeted email campaign to drive sales. The launch event was a focal point, attended by luminaries such as Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, used to extend the book's reach and underscore its significance. Rigorous monitoring of media exposure and meticulous analytics played a crucial role in understanding and amplifying the book's market presence.

The Outcome

The partnership between Mary Hayashi and Lee Andrews Group resulted in unparalleled success. "Women in Politics" rapidly achieved best-seller status in multiple categories and witnessed sold-out sales within hours of its launch. The meticulously planned launch event, bolstered by extensive media coverage and robust social media engagement, significantly amplified the book's visibility. Mary Hayashi's book not only marked its place in the literary world but also ignited conversations, celebrated women's contributions to politics, and set a benchmark for impactful book launches.


News Outlets reported Book Launch




Amazon Best-Seller in 3 Categories: Women in Politics, History & Theory of Politics, U.S. Political Science