South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD)

Public Outreach | Education Programs | Branding

South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
Public Outreach | Education Programs | Branding

The Client

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is a government agency responsible for regulating and improving air quality in the South Coast Air Basin, which encompasses the Los Angeles metropolitan area and parts of Orange County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County in Southern California. Its primary goal is to protect public health and promote clean air through the implementation and enforcement of air pollution control regulations and programs.

The Challenge

Develop and implement an air quality education program in disadvantaged community high schools and middle schools in four counties. The “Why Healthy Air Matters” (WHAM) was developed to increase awareness of air quality issues within the South Coast Basin and empower youth to drive positive change during a time when they are developing and forming their own habits.

The Strategy

In order to achieve this goal, Lee Andrews Group identified high schools and middle schools to conduct outreach and roll out WHAM’s curriculum. We used a criteria system to identify and prioritize outreach to schools that fell within environmental justice communities’ conditions in four counties. Lee Andrews Group conducted outreach to thousands of educators across all four counties, held virtual and in-person events for both schools and local organization, created marketing and collateral materials, tracked all program information, and coordinated with school districts, principals, educators and STEM teachers.

The Outcome

>Lee Andrews Group successfully met the program goal of program implementation in 300 high school and 100 middle school classrooms, further educating the youth on the impact of air quality on the health of our community, while branding SCAQMD.

5000+  Surveys Collected

students reached in 1267 Classrooms.

5000+ Confirmed Low-Income
Fare made Easy
Program enrollments

of surveyed students awareness of SCAQMD

10K+ Customer Interactions/ Assistance

Program growth every year