Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority
Public Relations | Public Outreach | Social Media Campaigns

The Client

The City of Los Angeles, California State Parks, and Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority (MRCA) are actively coordinating together along the Los Angeles River to form the “100-Acre Partnership at Taylor Yard.” Taylor Yard, located in Los Angeles, was formerly a major rail yard and maintenance facility owned by the Southern Pacific Railroad. It was situated along the Los Angeles River and encompassed a large area of land. The Partnership was formed to convert the former rail yard into a park and green space, and aims to provide recreational areas, open space, and restore the ecological health of the river while preserving the historical and cultural significance of the site.

The Challenge

The 100 Acre Partnership Program faces the challenge of ensuring inclusivity and reaching diverse stakeholders, overcoming the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, building trust in a community with diverse opinions, and managing the complexities of a large-scale project. Effective community engagement requires a comprehensive approach that combines traditional and innovative methods, addresses the digital divide, and fosters open dialogue. By navigating these challenges, the program can create an inclusive environment where stakeholders feel empowered to contribute to the decisionmaking process and shape the project's future.

The Strategy

Lee Andrews Group proposed a comprehensive community engagement strategy. It included establishing a proactive multilingual social media strategy, publicizing meeting information through various channels, utilizing online survey tools for stakeholder input, collaborating with utilities and distribution channels, creating communication collaterals, ensuring well-documented meeting experiences and logistics, adapting to virtual meeting formats when necessary, and leveraging incentives and community partnerships to enhance engagement efforts. By implementing these strategies, the program aims to maximize outreach, foster meaningful participation, and achieve its goals of inclusive and effective community engagement.

The Outcome

Overall, the outcomes of this community outreach and education for the Taylor Yard project with multicultural stakeholders resulted in a more inclusive, culturally responsive, and community-driven redevelopment that meets the needs and aspirations of the diverse communities it serves.

Statewide community partners made

Increased understanding and awareness

Administered CCI Program

Inclusive participation

Pilot Program achieved

Culturally relevant design and programming

Analysis and lessons learned 
report to State of California

Enhanced community benefits

Analysis and lessons learned 
report to State of California

Trust and positive relationships